2022 NAILE Judges Updated

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The following is the updated list of judges for the 2022 NAILE in Louisville!

Market Steers: Jirl Buck

Junior Prospect Calf: Brad Winegardner

Junior Angus: Travis & Beth Pembrook

Junior AOB / Zevu Influenced AOB: Corbin Cowles

Junior Belted Galloway: Travis & Beth Pembrook

Junior Black Hereford: Ryan Cummins

Junior Braunvieh: Brent Tolle

Junior Charolais: Jara Settles

Junior Chianina/ChiAngus: Todd Herman

Junior Gelbvieh/Balancer: Chad Holtkamp

Junior Hereford: Chad Holtkamp

Junior Limousin: Jonathan Perry

Junior Maine-Anjou/Mainetainer/Maine Angus: Andrew Foster

Junior Mini Hereford: Ryan Cummins

Junior Red Angus: Andrew Foster

Junior Shorthorn: Shane Bedwell

Junior ShorthornPlus: Zach Butler

Junior Simmental: Brett Barber

Junior SimAngus/SimSolution: Brett Barber

Junior Fullblood Simmental: Brian Defreese

American Aberdeen: Andy Higgins

Angus: John Rayfield

Belted Galloway: Tim Fitzgerald

Black Hereford: Jonathan Perry

Braunvieh: Tim Schaeffer

Charolais: Chad Holtkamp

Chianina/ChiAngus: Scott and Andrew Foster

Gelbvieh/Balancer: Jack Ward

Hereford: Tyler Winegardner

Limousin: Wravenna Bloomberg

Maine-Anjou/MaineTainer: Dustin Frank

Mini Hereford: Tim Fitzgerald

Red Angus: Cody Lowderman, Associate: Reid Lowderman

Red Poll: Gary Staley

Salers: Jara Settles

Santa Gertrudis: Blake Nelson

Shorthorn: Chris Sankey

ShorthornPlus: Scott Schaake

Simmental: Donnie Robertson

SimAngus/SimSolution: Donnie Robertson

Fullblood Simmental/Fleckvieh/Fleckvieh/Fleck Effect: Matt Claeys

Wagyu: Corbin Cowles

Market Hogs - Purebreds: Ryan Sites

Market Hogs - Crossbreds: Kelton Mason

Breeding Gilts - Purebreds: Ben Olsen

Breeding Gilts: Crossbreds: Adam Beck

Showmanship: Emily Miller & Jon Althaus

Market Goats: Brent Jennings

Showmanship: Mark Chaney & Skyler Scotten

Market Lambs: Kyle Smithwick

Showmanship: Cassie Wallpe

View the full list of judges here!